19 November 2014

How to Put Meta Keywords in Each Blogger Post

Meta tags or keywords are very significant SEO terms. To find your site’s rank better in search engine, you have to add meta tags or keywords in every page of the website. But when you want to put keywords in every blogger posts, you can’t because there is only meta description place in blogger. There you cannot find keywords adding space. So if you want to add meta tags or keywords also, you have to add some codes on your template. Meta tags are also as important as meta description. Meta tags help you to increase healthy and better traffic.

Process of adding meta tags in each blogger post:-

Suggestion: We always recommend you not to change any code of your template with keeping back up of your template.

Step 1. Log in into your blogger.
Step 2. Choose your one blog.
Step 3. Go to template>>edit html.
Step 4. And find the code <b:include data=’blog’ name=’all-head-content’/>
Step 5. Then paste the below codes below the above code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "PAGE-URL"'>
<meta content='PAGE-DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='PAGE-KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>
Step 6. Now you have to paste the above code every times when you posts.

Note: If you have 20 posts, you should copy and paste the above code 20 times too.
Step 7. Click on Save template button.


1. write the url of your post in PAGE-URL.

2. Write meta description in PAGE-DESCRIPTION.

3. Write meta keyword in PAGE-KEYWORD.

15 November 2014

Replace Blogger's Read More Link With An Image, Text Or Dynamic Button

If you are a Blogger user and use Jump Break in your posts, you must have noticed a "Read more >>" link below each of your blog post on the homepage. This tutorial will show you how to replace those text links with beautiful-looking dynamic buttons. This tutorial will also teach how you can align that link to the right, change it's text or even replace it with an image!

Replace the Read More link with a dynamic button:

1. Go to your blogger dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML.

2. Find the following piece of code: (Press CTRL + F and copy the code in the box that appears)
3. Copy the below code and paste directly above/before ]]></b:skin>
 @media \0screen{img{width:auto}}
{font:.875em/150% arial;}
{background:#333;text-transform:uppercase;color:#fff !important;font-size:10px;font-family:arial,sans-serif;text-decoration:none;opacity:.9;padding:4px 10px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px;-webkit-transition:background 200ms linear;-moz-transition:background 200ms linear;transition:background 200ms linear;-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;margin:0 5px 5px 0;display:block;float:left}
Change the hash code highlighted in blue to change the background color of the button. Also, to change the background when the button is hovered, change the hash code highlighted in red.

4. Find the following piece of code:
 <div class='jump-link'>
On finding the above code, you will see something like this:
 <b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'>
<div class='jump-link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#more&quot;' expr:title='data:post.title'><data:post.jumpText/></a></div>
5. Replace the code highlighted in blue with the below code:
 <div class='techsperiareadmore' style='float: right;'><a class='shortcode flat black button' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'>Read More</a></div>
The final code will look something like this:
 <b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'>
<div class='jump-link'>
<div class='techsperiareadmore' style='float: right;'><a class='shortcode flat black button' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'>Read More</a></div></div>
6. Hit Save template and you're done! (You can replace Read More with any text you want)

Now, let's have some fun with those Read More links! Here are a few more tweaks that you can do with that link. Consider these tweaks as a gift or bonus from me (to you) for reading this post!

How to replace the Read More link with an image:

Replace the code highlighted in step 4 with the following code:
 <a style='float: right;' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'><img src="Your Image URL"/></a>

How to replace the Read More link with some other text:

Replace the code highlighted in step 4 with the following code:
 <a style='float: right;' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'>Whatever_Text_You_Like</a>

How to align the Read More link to the left, right or center:

Replace the code highlighted in step 4 with the following code:
 <a style='float: right;' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title'>Read More</a>
Replace the code in blue with left, right or center (Any one)

There you go! I have now taught you every possible tweak you can do with those Read More links! Enjoy having fun with 'em!

7 November 2014

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30 October 2014

How to add a link to an image in blogger

I use Blogger for blogging as it is user friendly, links easily to all other Google tools such as AdSense and Analytics, and generally makes blogging easy.

However, one area where it isn’t quite so easy to use is when you want to add links to images. So say you want to write a blog about your latest novel, and you want to put an image, like the one below, in the centre of the blog, but want to link the image to your book on Amazon, or your website.

Doing this using my website software is very simple, and doesn’t need any code, but Blogger requires using a little bit of HTML code to achieve the same thing, as the default setting needs to be over-ridden. Inserting an image into Blogger is a simple process, but setting up the link is slightly more tricky.

Below is the same image as above, already in my Blogger draft.

As you will notice there is a choice of viewing in the top left hand corner. At the moment the blog post is being viewed in ‘Compose’. However, to make changes required I now need to alter the HTML code, and to do that I now need to switch from ‘Compose’ to ‘HTML’. If I don’t change the HTML code, all that will happen when I publish the post, and people click on the image, is a larger version of the image will open in a lightbox. By clicking on the HTML button, the page will now look like this:.

To create the desired link only some of the code will need replacing. Let’s assume I want the image to be linked to this website, and open up the page http://www.cliveeaton.com/thepyramidlegacy.html. To do this I will need to remove a specific element of the HTML code, and replace it. Highlighted below is the strip of code which will need removing. Please note your code for your image will be different, as every image is of course different, including size and alignment. The part of the code beginning with href= is the link for the image, which, as I mentioned, defaults to open in a lightbox. I want to remove that default and get the link to open my webpage. The second key element of the code begins with src=, and this is the code for the actual image itself. This will remain as is. So let’s replace the highlighted code.

The HTML code I’m going to replace it with is:

href="http://www.cliveeaton.com/thepyramidlegacy.html" target="_blank"

Please note the one space gap between the inverted commas after the full webpage address and the word ‘target’. Also, the final element target=”_blank” is a vital, and generic, part of the additional code. This allows the target page to open in a new window, thus ensuring the original page is still available to view. (If you leave it out, the page will open in the same window.) Below is how the updated code looks:

I can now click back to ‘Compose’ to see that the original image is on the page, complete the blog posting, and publish it. Now when someone clicks on the image within the blog, they will be taken to my website page, which promotes the book. And of course, the original blog page is still open in a separate window.